Back To Business Basics

March 15, 2023by atlashartmann

Times are changing, and industries are matching speed. For those of us who hit the ground running in the business world, what feels like many moons ago, it can be hard to remember the basics of the business, the foundations of what we do, and how best to blend those practices with modern ideas. This phenomenon can be seen in any industry. With the constant innovation of the medical field, practicing doctors who have graduated for 30+ years are hitting the books and brushing up on their basic biochem just to keep the content fresh. Who says business is any different? Here at Atlas Hartmann, we believe in the power of a strong foundation, and for that reason, we’re bringing you back to the basics of the best business practices.

  • Have integrity; at the end of the day, your name is all you have.
  • Stay true to your word and honor your commitments.
  • Be a team player. No one ever achieved anything great alone.
  • Cast a deep network, not a wide one. It means nothing to know everyone’s name; the value lies in truly knowing someone- knowing their work, their skill, and their experiences.
  • Never be afraid to work with other people, but keep your eyes open. Collaboration is a powerful and beneficial business tool, but blindly trusting is bad business.
  • Ignorance is never bliss. Ask every question twice.
  • If you want something done right, do it yourself- classic. It’s hard to complain about mistakes that someone else made on your behalf. If it’s important, you will do it yourself.
  • That being said, learn to delegate. Burnout in business is very real. Find your trusted colleagues and employees and give them real work. It will lighten your load, and your team will value the experience- nobody enjoys being benched.
  • Pick up your passport and get ready to travel! You have not picked the physically stable career, my friend. Skim the rest of this; you’re probably late for a flight anyways.
  • Say “yes” to every opportunity. In the beginning, what do you have to lose? Here at Atlas Hartmann, we like to think this applies to life as well.
  • Spend some to bank some. Don’t fear the cash game.
  • Never fool yourself into thinking you know it all. Think of industry talk with peers and colleagues as the oil keeping your engine revving.

And just like that, we’re all renewed, reviewed, and refreshed. No matter your industry or area of expertise, every field of study has a “101” book. From all of us here at Atlas Hartmann, it is our sincere hope that you remember your basics and take them with you on all of the exciting innovations we know you will embark on.