Choosing the Perfect Gift this Valentine’s Day

January 28, 2023by atlashartmann

The countdown to Valentine’s Day is officially underway! Do you have the perfect holiday planned? If you’re still on the hunt for a thoughtful gift, don’t fret; we’re here to help. Here at Atlas Hartmann, we’re huge fans of showcasing our love to the most important people in our lives and have tons of experience picking out thoughtful gifts! Continue reading for a few of our favorites.

Star chart

When you look back in time, what is a pivotal moment in your relationship with your loved one? Was it the day you met? What about the day you moved in together or the day your child was born? The map of your relationship is important, and we encourage you to showcase the moments that mean the most. How? With a star chart, of course! The Star Poster is a site that allows you to plug in a date and time, and it’ll provide you with a map of what the night’s sky looked like at that moment. What better way to show your love than to gift your significant other with a star chart that they can look at for the rest of time and reminisce over?

Flowers with a thoughtful card

We know firsthand how hectic the past year has been. If you and your loved one plan on staying in and going simple this Valentine’s Day, no worries! You can still make the day memorable by gifting them flowers with a thoughtful card. Remember, it’s not the gift that matters; it’s the love you put into it. When writing in the card, speak from the heart and let them know just how much you care! For a beautiful arrangement at a great price, we recommend ordering from 1-800-Flowers.

Essential oil aroma diffuser

The theme of the past year for many around the world was self-care, and this Valentine’s Day, we encourage you to feed into that! There is nothing more thoughtful than reminding your partner to take care of themselves and to relax. An essential oil aroma diffuser is the perfect gift for someone who needs to do a little more self-serving in 2021! This diffuser from Amazon is stunning and highly-rated.

Adopt a pet

Our last 2023 Valentine’s Day gift idea is to adopt a pet from a local animal shelter. Now, only choose this option if you know that you and your partner are up to the task. Bringing a pet into your home means bringing them into your family; this is a big responsibility and the perfect gift if you are looking for a furry friend to love!

There you go, love birds! With these four gift tips, there is no way that you’ll fail this Valentine’s Day. No matter what you choose, as long as your gift comes from the heart, your significant other will love it! Now, we want to hear from you. In the comments, let us know your final gift decision and how your holiday went!

From all of us here at Atlas Hartmann, have a happy and loving Valentine’s Day!