Dress To Impress: 10 Ways To Dress For The Job

February 6, 2023by atlashartmann

Dressing to impress is a saying that we’ve all heard before, but in an era where some CEOs wear jeans and a sweatshirt, it might be hard to know how to dress for the job. Here at Atlas Hartmann, we believe in setting a great first impression. Together, we have come up with a quick guide on how to rock your business best. Leave a lasting impression in your next interview or networking event with the help of our advice.

  1. You want to stand out, but not for the wrong reasons. Avoid colors and patterns that could be distracting, as they make take away from what you are saying. Be mindful of your personal style, so you can alter it depending on the environment. This will allow for your personality and skills to shine through versus your outfit.
  2. Have a power outfit that makes you feel like a million dollars. We know that when you feel more confident, your performance will be better. Find that suit that leaves you feeling like a boss, and wear it whenever you need a boost of confidence.
  3. Everyone should own a good blazer. Ladies and gentlemen, both should have a blazer that is versatile. A blazer states you are a professional while having a casual element to it. This item in your closet is a must for all professionals.
  4. If you wear glasses, think about switching to contacts. Your instinct would tell you that glasses can make a person look more studious; however, glasses create an eye contact barrier. When you talk to people, do it with confidence and great eye contact.
  5. Gentlemen, go for a tie. A tie is an easy way to mark yourself as a professional while still allowing for a touch of individuality. Having a tie that represents your style and personality is always a great conversation starter. Put your best self forward in every detail of your outfit.
  6. Avoid the urge to over-accessorize! From crazy loud pocket squares to dangling earrings and necklaces, these kinds of accessories tend to distract. The last thing you want is to deflect from who you are or your message.
  7. Take a minimalist approach to your hair and makeup. Again, you don’t want to create unnecessary distractions. You don’t want to overdo your makeup or hair in a business setting.
  8. Find a good balance between comfort and fashion. Comfort shouldn’t be your main objection when selecting an outfit. However, if you are uncomfortable with what you are wearing, it will show in your attitude. There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable during an interview when you are trying to make a good impression. Select items that provide comfort but are still appropriate for the setting.
  9. Try to avoid dressing head to toe in trendy fashion styles. While this will help you with a younger crowd, it may come across in a negative light. Trends may indicate that you are more concerned with fashion than being professional. If you are into a new fashion trend, try mixing it with some classics for a happy balance.
  10. Don’t be afraid to play with colors. Having color in your wardrobe can show a lot about your personality. As long as you match and are appropriately dressed for your environment, feel free to express yourself. Business professional doesn’t have to mean blacks and blues.

With our tips and a desire to succeed, you will always be dressed for success! Remember, style is a way to express yourself, but use it to project your best self. From all of us at Atlas Hartmann, we wish you the best in all your future endeavors.