We’re sure you’ve heard of the saying, “Dress for success,” but what does that mean exactly? Entering the “business world” after college or making a more corporate career shift can mean that it’s time to add a few more pieces to your wardrobe. We know it can sound a little intimidating to search for items to add to your professional closet, but Atlas Hartmann is here to help!


“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” — Miuccia Prada


Back to the Basics

Let’s begin with the basics; you can never go wrong with a good neutral! First, we recommend getting three pairs of solid-colored bottoms, whether a skirt or pants, to pair with other pieces. Aim for black, gray, tan, white, etc., to create everyday pieces and get the most wear—next, tops and blazers. Grab a few short and long-sleeved tops and 2-3 blazers to add to your collection. 


Layers, Layers, Layers

Layering is your friend! You never know if the office or event will be cool or hot, so it’s best to dress in layers so that you can adjust when needed. This technique also helps you mix and match to create more outfit combinations with your staple pieces!


A Tailored Fit

Is there a piece you love that is just a little too big or small? You don’t have to pass it up! Instead, take it to a local tailor (you can commonly find a coupon for places online) and get it adjusted just for yourself. 


“When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you do good.”


Comfort Is Important

Don’t forget about shoes! The same general tips apply – neutral, basic, and a few pairs to have options. However, remember to factor in comfortability! The last thing you want to do is walk around the office with blisters because your heels were too tight or your shoes made you sore.


Lastly, Have Fun

Professional wear can feel challenging at first, but we promise you WILL get the hang of it. Don’t forget to have a little fun! Here and there, invest in colorful accessories or statement pieces to show your personality. Get ready to feel good and take on the day!


We hope these tips have left you feeling a little more confident as you shop for business wear, and we hope you feel good about what you choose. We invite you to “like” Atlas Hartmann on Facebook for more inspiration like this. Happy shopping!