Productivity Advice

June 24, 2022by atlashartmann

You’ve probably heard about the debate on whether success is due to luck or hard work – especially in the new world of technology. Statistics show more unproductive hours in the workday if the individual is feeling overburdened with tasks. One proven thing all successful people have in common is strategizing their talent and productivity. Our team here at Atlas Hartmann knows that all too well. If you’re struggling with achieving day-to-day assignments and an overwhelming feeling seems to loom over your shoulder, take a moment to read through the following and bookmark a few of these tips. After all, you deserve to feel fulfilled at the end of the day instead of beating yourself up about what you didn’t get finished.

Set Daily Goals

It’s Monday, and after your morning routine, you sit down at your desk with a fresh cup of coffee and say, “I have no idea what I will accomplish today.” Sound familiar? If you can relate, consider mapping out the tasks that need finishing before the end of the week. Divide this list into the highest to lowest priority and start at the top. Every time you cross off a task, reward yourself with something small to maintain your momentum.

Most importantly, during this time, choose a minimum of five realistically achievable “end of the day” goals that would allow you to accept fulfillment in your day’s hard work. Plans don’t always have to be significant or long-term. The human mind develops natural energy from dopamine which can be created through self-accomplishment. 

Take Breaks

Surprisingly, studies have found that people are more productive throughout the day when they take small breaks every 20-30 minutes. These breaks are most beneficial when they’re technology-free and include a short walk to get a drink of water. These are routinely encouraged here at Atlas Hartmann. We understand when you make this a habit, it trains your brain to learn laser focus and avoid distractions easily. The question might be, “How can I hold myself accountable for this new routine?” There are a few answers to this! The most common practice people use is setting a timer. Try putting a vibrating timer if the alarm sound becomes more distracting than beneficial. Another resource is a website that will play music for a desired amount of time, resulting in silence for a break reminder. Focus@Will is created explicitly by a neurological professional to help engage laser focus.

Identify Your Most Productive Time Of Day

Every individual is different. This includes what time of the day your unique brain is most productive and creative. This might be first thing in the morning after the first cup of coffee kicks in, right after a refueling lunch break, or for some people, the evening is the best time for their brain to focus. Adjust your daily tasks accordingly once you discover where you fall on the day’s timeline. Schedule any meetings around these bursts of productivity to avoid interruption and be mindful of time-sensitive assignments.

Our team here at Atlas Hartmann is confident that incorporating only or all of these tips above can result in a more productive workday. The key is understanding yourself, being strategic, and staying organized. If you ever find yourself stuck in a rut and overwhelmed, remember to set your goals, take breaks, and that your brain is unique.