Taking Control Of Your Time

May 10, 2022by atlashartmann

If there is one thing that we know here at Altas Hartmann, it’s that time is a precious commodity. It is the one thing in this world that we have limited control over. There are 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, and 8,760 hours in a year, and there is nothing that we do can to change this. However, we CAN control HOW we spend these hours. We encourage you to think about all that you want to accomplish in the second half of 2022. Now, think about your time management skills. Are you confident that you have the ability to be successful? If you don’t answer this question with a firm YES, then we recommend that you continue reading because today, we are sharing a few tips that we believe will help you take control over your life, your goals, and your Q3 & Q4 at work!

Take a time audit

When planning out how you can make the most of each hour, you first need to find out how you are currently spending that time. As you go through your day, take physical notes on how long each of your daily tasks takes. You may think that a task takes thirty minutes when, in reality, it takes an hour. The first step in taking control of your time is to hold yourself accountable. Are you working your hardest each day, or are you occasionally wasting time checking Instagram? To make the upcoming months your best, you have to take accountability for your actions and hold yourself to a higher standard.

Plan ahead

Your next step should be to organize your time. Take fifteen minutes at the end of each day to map out the following day. Think about what tasks you have to accomplish and give each one a time frame. The idea is to start your day with a plan and then stick to it. There will be days when this schedule has to be altered, and that’s okay! The perk of living in the technological age is that with sites like Todoist.com or Monday.com, you can schedule and reschedule tasks with the click of a button. The goal is to be in control of your time. Unless you can see into the future, you have to have a flexible yet controllable schedule!

Stop being a perfectionist

This tip is the one that challenges our team here at Atlas Hartmann the most. Our company is comprised of headstrong, take on the world individuals that like to produce perfect work. This is unrealistic, though, so we coach our team members to do their best daily and to show up to work each day dedicated to making the most out of the hours ahead. With this mentality, they will consistently grow themselves and our business. In the second half of the year, stop wasting time working towards perfection. Do your best to use every available opportunity to grow your skills, and regularly meet with your mentor. By following these steps, you will succeed. Trust us!

2023 is just around the corner, and we know that this may sound corny, but in just 6 short months, you can create a better you. If you don’t like where you are in life right now, take stock of your life and make a plan to be better. No matter what your goals are, making the most of each day will be the key to your success. We hope that these three time management tips will help you end the year off on the right foot! Remember, beginning January first, you only have 8,760 hours to make your 2023 goals a reality. Are you ready?