The Four Agreements

February 15, 2023by atlashartmann

Literature brings us wisdom, and here at Atlas Hartmann, we believe you should never stop learning. “The Four Agreements” is a book written by Don Miguel Ruiz and a personal favorite of the Atlas Hartmann team. In case you’re not a big reader, we didn’t want you to suffer without the important messages in this novel. To help you out, we present you with the four agreements and what they mean to use.

  1. Be impeccable with your word.

Your thoughts are your own, and your words are for the world- so choose them wisely. You should never use your precious words to harm others or harm yourself. Speak with intention and say what you mean. Apologies are easy, but words can never truly be taken back.

  1. Don’t take anything personally.

You are the only thing in your control, so why should you dictate your life at the whims of others? Why be bruised by the words of others when they speak nothing about you and volumes about them? It is easier said than done but accepting that the way people treat you reflects themselves will provide a release like no other. When people throw stones at others, it is because they feel weighed down. Never has a truly happy and confident person worked to put another person down. Never take anything personally because it is almost never about you.

  1. Don’t make assumptions.

“When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.” Cheesy, yet true. As humans, we are experts at creating mental monsters much larger and much scarier than reality. Never assume; always ask. Moreover, never assume that you know a person or what they are thinking. People are dynamic, and they change. Without communication, you cannot assume to understand a person’s beliefs, dreams, fears, desires, or interests because they are always changing. It is normal to change; the issue arises when people are surprised by change. Don’t be surprised by the change, and don’t assume anything about anyone. Don’t assume things about yourself; you are open to change as well, no matter where you are in life.

  1. Always do your best.

Comparison is a tricky game, a game you can never win. As long as you are playing the game of comparisons, you will never truly feel success. The only way to find success within yourself is to do your best every time. Hey, your best may be someone else’s mediocre, but who cares. Don’t be fooled into thinking your best is stagnant. Let yourself grow, and constantly strive for your next best.

This truly is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Ruiz’s book. We have provided you with the four agreements, but we strongly urge you to give the book a read for yourself. You will thank us. From all of us here at Atlas Hartmann, we wish you happy reading and a happier life.